Documents to be produced for Scrutiny
- Admit Card
- Transfer Certificate from College last attended
- Course and Conduct Certificate from the Head of the Institution
- Original Mark list
- Migration Certificate (in the case of applicants coming from other Board / Universities)
- Equivalency Certificate (in the case of applicants coming from other Universities)
- Passport size photos – 4 copies
- Attested true copies of certificates (02 Nos.)
Other Certificates (If Applicable).
- Income Certificate of Parents – original and one attested copy
- NCC Certificate: Signed by the Director and issued by the Directorate of NCC
- NSS Certificate: Signed by the respective authority
- Certificates concerning widows and children of Jawans and Ex-service men and Border Security Force personnel killed or disabled in an action
- President’s badges in Scouts and Guides, outstanding records in sports and games at the district, state or university levels.

- Fees once paid will not be refunded.
- Candidates admitted to Self-financing programmes are required to pay fees for all semesters.
- Original Certificates submitted at the time of admission will be returned only after completion of the admission Process. Students are, therefore, directed to maintain at least 10 attested copies of the same before submitting the originals for admission.
- Request for certificate from college should be made at least one week prior to requirement.
- Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other eligible communities have to produce the Community and Conversion Certificates from the authorities concerned, at the time of admission to avail fee concession and other financial aids from the Government
- Other Backward and Forward Community students should also produce Community and Income Certificates to get the benefit of fee concession
- Prospective candidates and their parents should read the Prospectus carefully and sign a declaration of compliance with the rules and code of conduct stipulated by the college before the payment of fees.
- Unless otherwise demanded, original certificates need not to be sent along with the application. The college is not responsible for loss of any documents. Attested true copies of all relevant certificates and mark lists should be enclosed.